Özel Anestezi Uzmanı


The detailed lung examination of every patient who will have anesthesia is done by the anesthetist. In particular if you have asthma bronchitis or continuous illness called emphysema and if they are symptomatic, then the chest diseases specialist is consulted. Certain tests are done to decrease the degree of your symptoms and to determine your condition and lung capacity. After your complaints are reduced, suggestions are taken not to experience negative consequence related to the lungs. For instance, of you breathe noisily or a whistle sound comes out during breathing, if you need to use two pillows, if you have continuous coughing which increases at night time, you feel out of breath in a short time, have low tolerance due to air pollution and smell, if you get sick easily, these complaints point out to your anesthetist these are important in terms of anesthesia. To be prepared for a period in which your illness is less symptomatic, the required action plan is done with the Chest Diseases and Allergy doctors. Therefore, in symptomatic patients, the lungs are made less symptomatic if possible through some respiratory rehabilitation. With the suggestions of your surgeon, anesthetist and chest diseases specialist, the timing and treatment methods are chosen especially for you. For instance, if possible general anesthesia may not be the first choice. According to the priority of your illness, effective medications are given through different respiration mechanisms for your lung treatments. You may have oral support as well. In this manner, the activation fo your airways are reduced and your respiratory volume is increased. When the preparations are done for the surgery, the suitable method and treatment is planned by your anesthetist.